24/7 real-time monitoring of temperatures and alerting
The Saefy Temperature Monitoring System provides 24/7 real-time monitoring of temperatures and alerts users if temperatures are outside of set points, allowing timely corrective action to be taken to preserve valuable stock.
- Saefy alerts you of fridge and freezer failure, preventing costly stock losses
- Saefy provides daily compliance reports of the temperatures of your food storage devices.
- Saefy guides staff how to carry out food safety tasks. All tasks are available in one user friendly platform providing different reports for different tasks/users/locations ecc.

Compliance reports providing accurate data consistent with HACCP requirements are automatically generated and sent via email on a daily basis.
The system allows a full audit trail from temperature sensor through to receival of alert notification and compliance reports.
Different access levels can be set for Administrator and User roles.
Temperature parameters are customized to your needs.
The Saefy temperature monitoring system provides alerts via SMS and Email in the event of fridge and freezer failure, enabling timely corrective actions to be taken to preserve stock and save on stock replacement.